Level 1 Bikeability
On Friday 13th October, thirty three children from Year 4 took part in the Level 1 Bikeability Training.
The training helped the children to control their bike in an off-road environment and develop
balance and agility before they move on to developing on-road skills at Level 2 in Year 5/6.
During Level 1 Bikeability training, the children worked towards the following outcomes:
• Fit your own helmet.
• Carry out a simple bike check.
• Get on your bike, start cycling, then stop and get off.
• Ride your bike using the gears.
• Make your bike go where you want it to, including moving around objects safely.
• Control the bike with one hand.
• Stop quickly if you need to.
• Look all around you when you’re riding, including behind, without wobbling.
All the children worked really hard and the Bikeability instructors said that they were a credit to AJS.
Well done to those that took part.