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  • Alderman Jacobs goes for gold!

    Published 19/07/24

    Alderman Jacobs goes for gold!

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  • Pride in Fenland Award

    Published 19/03/24

    Alderman Jacobs are very proud of our pupils Alyssa & Scarlett who recently won the prestigious Special Judges Award at the recent Pride in Fenland Award Ceremony.

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  • Wicked Theatre Trip

    Published 14/03/24

    On Wednesday 13th March 2024, some of the children in Years 4,5 & 6 visited London to watch Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre

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  • Woburn Safari Park - Year 2

    Published 14/03/24

    On Tuesday 12th March 2024, the Year 2 children enjoyed a fun day out at Woburn Safari Park.

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  • Career Day

    Published 14/03/24

    On Friday 8th of March Alderman Jacobs held their annual careers day. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to hear about a range of aspirational careers throughout our community and in the wider world. 

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  • World Book Day 2024

    Published 14/03/24

    On the 7th March we celebrated World Book Day. The children and staff all made a fantastic effort with their costumes and the children spent the day taking part in some fun book day activities. Each class also had a zoom session with author James Campbell, who shared his stories and poems with us. 

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  • Walk to School Month - October

    Published 03/11/23

    Alderman Jacobs received a donation of 'hi-vis' bag tags for Walk to School Month from Barretts' Homes.

    Walk to School Month takes place during October each year and encourages pupils to celebrate the journey to school on foot.

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  • FOAJS Halloween Disco

    Published 19/10/23

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  • Famous Rhythm Group Called Stomp

    Published 18/10/23

    The children were very lucky last week when we had an exciting musical visitor in school. Ollie Timner used to be a member of the famous rhythm group called Stomp and he now runs class workshops with children teaching and playing a variety of different musical styles and genres.

    Each Key Stage 2 class had a group session where they got to play a range of Samba instruments and compose and create large compositions as a class. The children had opportunities to try all of the instruments and perform together for an extended amount of time.

    Early Years and Key Stage 1 went to a Body Percussion workshops where they learned a range of rhythmic patterns using different parts of their bodies. 

    The children were enthusiastic and engaged really well with Ollie. He was inspiring and made the sessions lively and a lot of fun. We are hoping to be able to have the opportunity to be able to work with Ollie again soon!


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  • Level 2 Bikeability Training

    Published 16/10/23

    During the week beginning 16th October thirty eight Year 5/6 children took part in the level 2
    bikeabilty training. This training is broken down into 2 levels. Level 1 involves the children
    demonstrating the skills and understanding to be able to make a trip and undertake activities in
    motor and traffic free environments. Level 2 involves the children demonstrating the skills and
    understanding to be able to make a trip safely to school or for leisure purposes. Well done to all the
    children who were awarded their bikeability certificates.

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  • Level 1 Bikeability

    Published 13/10/23

    On Friday 13th October, thirty three children from Year 4 took part in the Level 1 Bikeability Training.
    The training helped the children to control their bike in an off-road environment and develop
    balance and agility before they move on to developing on-road skills at Level 2 in Year 5/6.
    During Level 1 Bikeability training, the children worked towards the following outcomes:
    • Fit your own helmet.
    • Carry out a simple bike check.
    • Get on your bike, start cycling, then stop and get off.
    • Ride your bike using the gears.
    • Make your bike go where you want it to, including moving around objects safely.
    • Control the bike with one hand.
    • Stop quickly if you need to.
    • Look all around you when you’re riding, including behind, without wobbling.
    All the children worked really hard and the Bikeability instructors said that they were a credit to AJS.
    Well done to those that took part.


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  • Sport Ambassador Training

    Published 06/10/23

    On Friday 6 th October seven Sports Ambassadors, Harry R, Jaiden W, Jessica H, Ollie B, Mia J, Megan
    F and Lily B-S attended a training session hosted by Park Lane Primary School. The session started
    with an ice breaker task which involved the children finding out something about a partner from
    another school. The children then thought about what their role as a Sports Ambassador should look
    like and what jobs they might take on back at school. They also talked about taking on the role of
    playground leader and how it could be set up within their school setting. After a short break the
    children then took part in a practical session learning and teaching the rest of the group a
    playground game of their choice. The morning finished with the children eating their lunch together.
    The ideas they have come up with will now be developed in school.

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